Every teenager is called of God and has a divine destiny to fulfill.

Our primary purpose for our existence here on earth is to fulfill our calling and to win souls into God’s kingdom. It doesn’t matter how well we’ve played our cards if in the end we haven’t done the needful. It’s not how much wealth we make here on earth but how much souls we redeem. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and yet loose his own soul? Mark 8:36 “

 As teenagers, we sometimes struggle to find our calling so in the journey of discovery we end up in a path that wasn’t designed for us and it takes only God’s direction to retrace our steps.

 Making this clear to us; there’s a difference in our purpose and our calling. Our purpose here on earth as Christians is to bring souls into the marvelous light, while our calling is fulfilling our divine destiny, it’s what we do in our world for the betterment of human existence or you can say it’s where God has called us, our area of prosperity or better still using our potentials to impact our world.

As teenagers it’s very imperative we fulfill our purpose and discover our calling, but how do we do that?

  • Our purpose can be fulfilled by accepting Christ and redeeming the lost souls while our calling can be found by simply asking God for his directions.
  • Our purpose can be fulfilled by spending time with God, fellowshipping & studying, while our calling can be found by engaging most of our time in what we love doing the most.
  • Fulfilling our purpose is finding pleasure in our walk with God and our calling is whatever gives us pleasure and joy while we do it.
  • Our purpose is bringing peace, joy, love and progress to people while our calling is doing things to make life easier for others
  • Our purpose is God driven while our calling is mostly vocation driven.

Our purpose on earth must be fulfilled and so also must our calling be. As teenagers once we find our calling and we are ready to fulfill it, our purpose here on earth is accomplished. Journey through life would be less stressful and less of worry and anxiety. We enjoy divine direction every step of the way, both in our academics, our social life, our spiritual life and further into our financial life. We become  better versions of ourselves and a huge blessing to our generation.

Give attention to the word of God, and his call on your life, so that you fulfill it. Make the decision to follow the spirit, not your flesh or the world, not your personal desires. Serve the lord truly and wholeheartedly, and he’ll fill your life with His beauty, grace, glory and honor.

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